Back in the 1970's Shepperton Studios was the smaller of the big three studios in the UK. EMI had Kubrick, Pinewood had Bond and Shepperton took up the smaller films like Flash Gordon, The River Queen and Oliver, the exterior set still surviving.
The Studios were adjacent to Queen Mary Reservoir and my home sailing club and on some Weekends one could hear the Moody Blues and The Who rehearsing. According to my father "art is a contagious disease of life" so it became inevitable I too was about to succumb.
It was a hub of film busnesses; model makers, rigging, props warehouse, music recording and an impresive plaster shop. The Who rented the Old House and stored their equipment in I Stage. One of my early obs there was cleaning out the door collection reducing it from some 6000 doors to a usable 4/3000. Some of the thrown out doors can be seen in Terry Gilliam's jabberwocky in the jousting scene.
BBRK - David Butt, David Bill, Peter Richardson and Jeffery Kirkland, all acomplished and highly experienced art directors where originality, authenticity and quality came foremost. They rented E, F and G stages and were very busy.
My father started working there virtually full time art directing and painting backdrops, pretty much all of which were spectacular and completed in record time. Too this day I dont know how he did what he did and I've never seen anything like his methods since and it could be quite unnerving assisting him. He understood exactly how to get to the essence of the subject with a clarity I've rarely seen.
And becomming frozen in H Stage. Yours truely on the tower and my brother Simon getting styrene glue in his hair. Circa 1976.